Anthony / Hickerson Lab
Territoriality, a form of interference competition, provides an interesting backdrop with which to address questions about the roles of behavior in ecological interactions. Territorial behavior is usually directed toward conspecifics, but it can be effective against other species that may compete with the territory resident for prey or spatial resources. We are especially interested in how territorial behavior directed at unrelated taxa affects abundance and distribution.
Selected publications - territoriality
Hickerson, C.M., C.D. Anthony, and A.M. Figura. 2018. Behavioral interactions between terrestrial salamanders and spiders: competition or intraguild predation? Ethology Ecology and Evolution 30:285-296.
Anthony, C.D., K. Jaworski, M. Messner, and C.M. Hickerson. 2017. Differences in prey availability within the territories of striped and unstriped Eastern Red-backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Herpetological Review 48:509-514.
Reiter, M.K., C.D. Anthony, and C.M. Hickerson. 2014. Territorial behavior and ecological divergence in a polymorphic salamander. Copeia 2014(3):481-488.
Hickerson, C.M., C.D. Anthony, and J.A. Wicknick. 2004. Behavioral interactions between salamanders and centipedes: competition in divergent taxa. Behavioral Ecology 15:679-686.
Gall, S.B., C.D. Anthony, and J.A. Wicknick. 2003. Behavioral interactions between salamanders and beetles indicate a guild relationship. American Midland Naturalist 149:363-374.
Anthony, C.D., J.A. Wicknick, and R.G. Jaeger. 2002. Site tenacity and homing in the Rich Mountain salamander, Plethodon ouachitae (Caudata: Plethodontidae). The Southwestern Naturalist 47:401-408.
Anthony, C.D., J.A. Wicknick, and R.G. Jaeger. 1997. Social interactions in two sympatric salamanders: effectiveness of a highly aggressive strategy. Behaviour 134:71-88.
Jaeger, R.G., J.A. Wicknick, M.R. Griffis, and C.D. Anthony. 1995. Sociobiology of a terrestrial salamander: juveniles enter adult territories during stressful foraging periods. Ecology 76:533-543.
Anthony, C.D. 1993. Recognition of conspecific odors by Plethodon caddoensis and P. ouachitae. Copeia 1993:1028-1033.
Anthony, C.D. and J.A. Wicknick. 1993. Aggressive interactions and chemical communication between adult and juvenile salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 27:261-264.