Anthony / Hickerson Lab
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Garner, K.L., J.S. Ryan, J. Tingle, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2024. Covariation and repeatability of aggressive and risk-taking behaviours in a terrestrial salamander (Plethodon cinereus). Animal Behaviour 213: 1-10. LINK
Ryan, J.S., S.R. Kuchta, J.I. Watling, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2024. Color polymorphism and phylogeographic variation of agonistic behavior in the Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus). Herpetologica 57:262-269. LINK
Anthony, C.D., C.M. Hickerson, T. M. Evers, K. L. Garner, and R.D. Mayer. 2023. Sexually dimorphic biofluorescence of the postcloacal gland in the terrestrial salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Journal of Herpetology 57:262-267. LINK
Kuchta, S.R., M.M. Hantak, B.P. Waldron, C.D. Anthony, C.M. Hickerson, and R.M. Lehtinen. 2022. Hybridization in the woodland salamanders Plethodon cinereus and P. electromorphus is not widespread: Revisiting Lehtinen et al. Ichthyology and Herpetology 110:430-438. LINK
Venesky, M.D., J. DeMarchi, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2022. Does the thermal mismatch hypothesis predict disease outcomes in different morphs of a terrestrial salamander? Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 1–10.
Waldron, B.P., M.C. Ganzfried, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2022. Repeatability of foraging behavior following a simulated predation attempt depends on color morph, sex, and foraging metric in red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Published online. Ethology, Ecology, and Evolution 34:471-484. LINK
Hantak, M.M., K.A. Brooks, C.M. Hickerson, C.D. Anthony, and S.R. Kuchta. 2020. A spatiotemporal assessment of dietary partitioning between color morphs of a terrestrial salamander. Copeia 108:727-736. LINK
Venesky, M, J. DeMarchi, R. Marbach, K. Pariyar, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D Anthony. 2020. Female salamanders experience higher parasitism compared to males: a cost of female reproduction? Journal of Herpetology 54:293-298. LINK
Gabor, C.R. and C.D. Anthony. 2020. Robert Gordon Jaeger. Copeia 108:184-187. LINK
Cameron, A.C., R.B. Page, J. I. Watling, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2019. Using a comparative approach to investigate the relationship between landscape and genetic connectivity among woodland salamander populations. Conservation Genetics 20:1265-1280. LINK
Julian, M., C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2019. Competition and intraguild predation between beetles, Pterostichus stygicus ([order Coleoptera]: [family Carabidae]) and Centipedes, Scolopocryptops sexspinosus ([order Scolopendromorpha]: [family Scolopocryptopidae]). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 112:473-481. LINK
Kunkel, C.L., C.D. Anthony, C.M. Hickerson, and R.C. Feldhoff. 2019. Species variation in a pheromone complex is maintained at the population-level in the Eastern Red-backed Salamander. Journal of Herpetology 53:173-178. LINK
Waldron, B.P., S.R. Kuchta, M.M. Hantak, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2019. Genetic analysis of a cryptic contact zone between mitochondrial clades of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Journal of Herpetology 53:144-152. LINK
Hankak, M.M., R.B. Page, P.E. Converse, C.D. Anthony, C.M. Hickerson, and S.R. Kuchta. 2019. Do genetic structure and landscape heterogeneity impact color morph frequency in a polymorphic salamander? Ecography 42:1383-1394.
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.04534 LINK
Jaworski, K.E., M.S. Lattanzio, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2018. Male mate preference as an agent of fecundity in a polymorphic salamander. Ecology and Evolution 8:8750-8760. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4298 LINK
Hickerson, C.M., C.D. Anthony, and A.M. Figura. 2018. Behavioral interactions between terrestrial salamanders and spiders: competition or intraguild predation? Ethology Ecology and Evolution 30:285-296. LINK
Anthony, C.D., K. Jaworski, M. Messner, and C.M. Hickerson. 2017. Differences in prey availability within the territories of striped and unstriped Eastern Red-backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Herpetological Review 48:509-514. LINK
Hickerson, C.M., C.D. Anthony, and B.M. Walton. 2017. Eastern Red-backed Salamanders regulate top-down effects in a temperate forest-floor community. Herpetologica 73:180-189. LINK
Stuczka, A., C. Hickerson, and C. Anthony. 2016. Niche partitioning along the diet axis in a colour polymorphic population of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders, Plethodon cinereus. Amphibia-Reptilia 37:283-290. LINK
Hantak, M.M., D.J.Paluh, and C.M. Hickerson. 2016. Comparison of the diets of sympatric erythristic and striped morphs of Plethodon cinereus (Eastern Red-backed Salamander). Northeastern Naturalist 23:219-228. LINK
Jaeger, R.G., B. Gollman, C.D. Anthony, C.R. Gabor, and N. Kohn. 2016. Behavioral Ecology of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander: 50 Years of Research. Oxford University Press. 248pp. LINK
Ziemba, J.L., C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2016. Invasive Asian earthworms negatively impact keystone terrestrial salamanders. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0151591. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151591. LINK
Cameron, A.C., C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2016. Plethodon cinereus (Eastern Red-backed Salamander) not affected by long-term exposure to soil liming. Northeastern Naturalist 23:88-99. LINK
Ziemba, J.L., A.C. Cameron, K. Daut, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2015. The presence of an invasive Asian earthworm alters terrestrial salamander microhabitat use in laboratory microcosms. Canadian Journal of Zoology 93:805-811. 10.1139/cjz-2015-0056. LINK
Paluh, D.J., C. Eddy, K. Ivanov, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2015. Selective foraging on ants by a terrestrial polymorphic salamander. American Midland Naturalist 174:265-277. LINK
Venesky, M.D., A. Hess, J.A. DeMarchi, A. Weil, J. Munroe, C.M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2015. Morph specific differences in disease prevalence and pathogen-induced mortality in a terrestrial polymorphic salamander. Journal of Zoology 295:279-285. LINK
Reiter, M.K., C.D. Anthony, and C.M. Hickerson. 2014. Territorial behavior and ecological divergence in a polymorphic salamander. Copeia 2014:481-488. LINK
Anthony C.D. and R.A. Pfingsten. 2013. Eastern Red-Backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Pp. 335-360. In: Pfingsten, R.A., J.G. Davis, T.O. Matson, G. Lipps, Jr., D. Wynn, and B.J. Armitage (Eds.). Amphibians of Ohio. Ohio Biological Survey Bulletin New Series, Vol 17 No 1. LINK
Acord, M.E., C.D. Anthony, and C.M.Hickerson. 2013. Assortative mating in a polymorphic salamander. Copeia 2013:676-683. LINK
Hickerson, C.M., C.D. Anthony, and B.M. Walton. 2012. Interactions among forest-floor guild members in structurally simple microhabitats. American Midland Naturalist 168:30-42. LINK
Anthony, C.D., Venesky, M.D., and C.M. Hickerson. 2008. Ecological separation in a polymorphic terrestrial salamander. Journal of Animal Ecology 77:646-653. LINK
Venesky, M.D. and C.D. Anthony. 2007. Antipredator adaptations and predator avoidance for two color morphs of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Herpetologica 63:450-458. LINK
Anthony, C.D., C.M. Hickerson, and M.D. Venesky. 2007. Responses of juvenile terrestrial salamanders to introduced (Lithobius forficatus) and native centipedes (Scolopocryptops sexspinosus). Journal of Zoology 271:54-62. LINK
Hickerson, C.M., C.D. Anthony, and B.M. Walton. 2005. Edge effects and intraguild predation in native and introduced centipedes: evidence from the field and from laboratory microcosms. Oecologia 146:100-119. LINK
Wicknick, J.A., C.D. Anthony, and J.S. Reblin. 2005. An amphibian survey of Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area. Ohio Journal of Science 105:2-7. LINK
Hickerson, C.M., C.D. Anthony, and J.A. Wicknick. 2004. Behavioral interactions between salamanders and centipedes: competition in divergent taxa. Behavioral Ecology 15:679-686. LINK
Gall, S.B., C.D. Anthony, and J.A. Wicknick. 2003. Behavioral interactions between salamanders and beetles indicate a guild relationship. American Midland Naturalist 149:363-374. LINK
Anthony, C.D. 2003. Kinship influences cannibalism in the wolf spider, Pardosa milvina. Journal of Insect Behavior 16:23-36. LINK
Anthony, C.D., J.A. Wicknick, and R.G. Jaeger. 2002. Site tenacity and homing in the Rich Mountain salamander, Plethodon ouachitae (Caudata: Plethodontidae). The Southwestern Naturalist 47:401-408. LINK
Anthony, C.D., J.A. Wicknick, and R.G. Jaeger. 1997. Social interactions in two sympatric salamanders: effectiveness of a highly aggressive strategy. Behaviour 134:71-88. LINK
Mitchell, J.C., J.A. Wicknick, and C.D. Anthony. 1996. Do timber harvesting practices affect Peaks of Otter salamander (Plethodon hubrichti) populations? Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 1:15-19. LINK
Adams, D.C. and C.D. Anthony. 1996. Using randomization techniques to analyze behavioural data. Animal Behaviour 51:733-738. LINK
Jaeger, R.G., J.A. Wicknick, M.R. Griffis, and C.D. Anthony. 1995. Sociobiology of a terrestrial salamander: juveniles enter adult territories during stressful foraging periods. Ecology 76:533-543. LINK
Anthony, C.D., J.R. Mendelson, III, and R.R. Simons. 1994. Differential parasitism by sex on plethodontid salamanders and histological evidence for structural damage to the nasolabial groove. American Midland Naturalist 132:302-307. LINK
Williams, T.A. and C.D. Anthony. 1994. A technique to isolate salamander granular gland products with a comment on the evolution of adhesiveness. Copeia 1994:540-541. LINK
Anthony, C.D. 1993. Recognition of conspecific odors by Plethodon caddoensis and P. ouachitae. Copeia 1993:1028-1033. LINK
Anthony, C.D. and J.A. Wicknick. 1993. Aggressive interactions and chemical communication between adult and juvenile salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 27:261-264. LINK
Anthony, C.D., D.R. Formanowicz, Jr., and E.D. Brodie, Jr. 1992. The effect of prey availability on the search behavior of two species of Chinese salamanders. Herpetologica 48:287-292. LINK
Anthony, C.D., D.R. Formanowicz, Jr., and E.D. Brodie, Jr. 1991. Effect of mine reclamation on ant community structure in eastern Texas. The Texas Journal of Science 43:261-272. LINK
Ducey, P.K., C.D. Anthony, and E.D. Brodie, Jr. 1991. Thresholds and escalation of antipredator responses in the Chinese salamander Cynops cyanurus: inter- and intra-individual variation. Behavioral Processes 23:181-191. LINK
Brodie, E.D., Jr., T.G. Dowdy, and C.D. Anthony. 1989. Salamander antipredator strategies against snake attack: biting by Desmognathus. Herpetologica 45:167-171. LINK
Species Accounts, Geographic Distribution, and Life History Notes
Hantak, M.M., Kuchta, S.R., Hickerson, C.M., and C.D. Anthony. 2015. Natural History Note: Plethodon cinereus. Morphology. Herpetological Review 44(3):409-410.
Paluh, D.J., Hickerson C.M, and C.D. Anthony. 2013. Natural History Note: Plethodon cinereus. Morphology. Herpetological Review 44:652-653. LINK
Anthony, C.D., M.D. Venesky, and J. Spetz. 2007. Life History Note: Eurycea longicauda longicauda. Predation. Herpetological Review 38:175-176.
Anthony, C.D. 2005a. Plethodon albagula, Western Slimy Salamander. Pp. 788-789. In Lannoo, M.J. (Ed.), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Anthony, C.D. 2005b. Plethodon caddoensis, Caddo Mountain Salamander. Pp. 792-793. In Lannoo, M.J. (Ed.), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Anthony, C.D. 2005c. Plethodon fourchensis, Fourche Mountain Salamander. Pp. 808. In Lannoo, M.J. (Ed.), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Anthony, C.D. 2005d. Plethodon kiamichi, Kiamichi Slimy Salamander. Pp. 820. In Lannoo, M.J. (Ed.), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Anthony, C.D. 2005e. Plethodon kisatchie, Louisiana Slimy Salamander. Pp. 821. In Lannoo, M.J. (Ed.), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Anthony, C.D. 2005f. Plethodon ouachitae, Rich Mountain Salamander. Pp. 831-833. In Lannoo, M.J. (Ed.), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Reblin, J. and C.D. Anthony. 2001. Life History Note: Eurycea longicauda longicauda. Predation. Herpetological Review 32:245-246.
Anthony, C.D. and J.A. Wicknick. 1993. Geographic distribution. Plethodon ouachitae. Herpetological Review 24:152.











